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Unity Begins Within

If you are one of the many humans longing to live in a unified world, welcome!! If you are simply intrigued by the notion, I hope my words will inspire you to believe in this potential even more so. If you are one of the few that believe that a unified world is impossible, may you gain just a morsel of insight from this to entertain the idea that anything is possible.

I'm going to cut straight to the point. The truth of the matter is, there is no way possible for us to live in a world that operates as unified system sustained by peace and harmony while still struggling to sustain peace and harmony within our own Self. Another way to say this is that even if our world suddenly became one of peace and harmony over night, most of us would have no idea how to sustain it because of all the disharmony playing out inside of us. Eventually, the dis-ease within us would cause dis-ease around us in some way. This is just the nature of energy.

It's important to note here that each and every one of us on the planet has been cultivating our own unique perspective on the world outside of us ever since we were birthed onto the planet. So to believe that we actually "share the same perspective" with anyone else is only true in regards to the particular shared belief that inspires us to believe so in the first place. Even siblings from the same household have different perspectives, even though they receive very similar conditioning. With this being said, our perspective on what a unified world looks like is going to be perceived by each and every one of us differently. So how do we unify something that is perceived differently by everyone that wants to play a part in the process?

To create a unified world, there must be a centralized force that all beings operate in resonance with, or in coherence, from their very core. While dictators and other totalitarian figures in history have tried to achieve a somewhat similar scenario through their own distorted egoic attempts, time has shown that these societies eventually breach a collapse. The biggest reason why these systems will always collapse is because in order to be the central force supporting the system, you must be a stabile, infinite energy source. In addition, there is no way to sustain a system that depends on you as the centralized governing structure if you are not 100% aligned to this pure potential all the way to your very core. The system will always (eventually) fail. This is why no malicious leader will ever be able to achieve this kind of power because it involves being in full connection to the heart, which is our central gateway to the greater(est) energetic Source of all of creation.

Let's look at the basics of energy for just a moment to try and understand this "power source" from an energetic perspective. All of life reduces to energy. If you remember from elementary science, the basic unit of all life, is defined as the atom. The atom is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The nucleus is the centralized structure, which contains a certain number of protons surrounded by an equal amount of neutrons. The energetic force is created due to the magnetic attraction between the polarization of the protons positive nature and the electrons negative nature, while the neutrons fill the space in between preventing the collapse. There are about a 100 trillion atoms in a cell and over 100 trillion cells in our bodies. You might want to read this over a few times before proceeding because this very basic scientific knowledge holds infinite potential for transforming your current perspective.

When we think about how much energy this means we are actually holding within our bodies, try to imagine that this energy is also carrying information. What is the story in your cells? Let me explain this a bit further. Energy is always carrying information. Information is intelligence. This means that every living thing on this planet, which is everything (yes, even your toaster to some degree!) carries information. This information is transferred between cells through resonance, or a connection through frequency exchange. Atoms will connect with other atoms that share the same frequency due to the wave of movement this creates, transferring information as a result of the resonance. As more atoms link through resonating frequency, mass begins to accumulate, and the message is responsible for sustaining this mass. We can look at the message as an intention of sorts, as it is the goal or the purpose, of the life force that is now working towards creating something more than what it originally was. The goal is always going to be food oriented, because food is what provides us with the fuel we need to sustain our survival. For example, a slug is formed due to a mass of cells that come together in an effort to find food. As in the case of the formation of the human body, cells come together through a common goal to form the heart muscle, or the lips, or the blood, etc. It is this communication that weaves the web of sustenance between our outer physical, or the material 3D realm and our inner ethereal, or spiritual 5D existence.

Now, its very important to understand that the core energy that is vibrating the frequency that carries the information responsible for sustaining the resonance of all the other pieces to continue working towards a common goal as a greater whole, must be stabile and grounded. How does something of an ethereal nature remain stable? It remains stable because it never strays in its belief to reach its goal. Mind power baby!! But, and this is an important but! We have to be willing to see that the energy serving as the core strength to all of this life we have come to identify through the egoic, scientific means of assigning tangible proof is actually inapplicable here. We are exploring the presence of something completely invisible, and therefore imperceivable through the egoic lens, so an expanded perspective is absolutely necessary. Because light is ethereal, meaning it is has no superficial component that science can easily grasp, which also means we are taught very little about its supreme importance in regards to all of life's existence. It is the speed light travels that provides the vibration responsible for carrying the frequency that creates energy, and is therefore, the most critical component of all material manifestation.

Any life force on this planet that continues to live and therefore create from a place that is disconnected from an awareness of the very core connection all life shares with the greater Source behind all of life, will seek outside of themselves for all it is they feel they need to know. This constant exploration of the outside world will continue until the seeker eventually experiences collapse. This will happen as sickness, or other debilitating experiences, until we are ready to expand and give birth to new beliefs that will support our endeavors more _____. Another way o to look at this is within the context of our very own mind. If we are constantly doubting our ability to do what it is we set out to do, we weaken our chances for not only experiencing success, but for sustaining our success. Sound familiar? So if we want to operate from a place of core strength in all moments of our life, we must come to know what is involved in the creation of this core so that we can continue to support a belief that sustains our success for the long run.

The science of Ayurveda offer us three fundamental philosophies to guide us to achieving a better understanding of our origin. While I am not going to get into this here, you can read about these philosophies in my article "What Exactly is Ayurveda" to begin cultivating a better understanding of this perspective. But the one that I feel is the ultimate is that to in order to achieve a state of balanced health, aka 24 hour bliss, one must have a conscious connection to Source. If up until this moment you have been defiant of the potential for a greater Creator, then maybe I can offer a bite to inspire a wee expansion in perspective. All it takes for expansion is a willingness to believe in something greater in this very moment. If you keep the intention focused on a belief that something can be greater (even though I don't know exactly what just yet!) which will help to shift the mind's frequency to help support the insights needed for better understanding of all this esoteric knowledge. The ego is our greatest challenge for our expansion process.

Learning how to support our Self in all the ways we feel we need to be supported is one of the best ways we can overcome the challenges our egos keep us from expanding beyond our current circumstances. You see, our species has been conditioned for eons to seek outside of the self for all that we need, aka support in all its expressions. Whether the support needed is food, information, guidance, or any of the multitude of ways we can perceive this word to mean, generation after generation we have been conditioned to always seek outside of the self. This has created a belief that our outer world should be able to provide for our inner world, which has resulted in a lot of resentment and blame towards everyone we feel to have let us down in our time of need. All this seeking outwards fed us an unconscious belief that believes every bit of value towards or success of survival is outside of us, which means, this make close to zero awareness of any value to be found within us. This misdirection, I believe, is the greatest malignancy of our species.

The beauty to this, however, lies in the simplicity of reversing this conditioning through a simply shift in awareness. Bringing our awareness to our inner world more frequently throughout the day is greatest way to begin this shift as it guides us to begin supporting our Self through our life process. When we shift our awareness inwards, we go from a state of acting and doing through engaging in our outer world, to being in our inner world. When we begin to feel the benefit of this practice, then we can believe in the potential it holds for our ability overcome the challenges in our current reality. The key is that we must continue to engage with our inner world through actually feeling into our experience and allowing for the inner dialogue to reach a peaceful resolution from a place that remains curious and willing to understand.

Being our greatest support system means we have come to realize that in the end, there is no one else that can be there for us in the way that we can. Spending more time in Nature or simply just in a quiet room with no disturbances, we provide an opportunity for us to just be. This means we can be whatever it is we need to be in the moment without having to provide for another in any way, nor meet another's expectations or let them down in anyway. We have time to just breathe and allow for all the motion of our day a chance to settle and find its proper place within us. The quiet also provides the proper environment for us to digest and integrate all the information we have received before this time, whether the information was fed to us through conversation or we received it through literal food. Regardless, when we take the time on a regular basis to allow for stillness, we send the message to our body and our mind, that we care. Through this message, it will also begin to feel loved and supported. When we care, we are loving and supporting the thing we are caring about. There is no separating the truth behind these words.

The more opportunities we give our Self to sit in quiet, the more comfortable our energies will become to reveal the stories that are playing out within us. This is very much a layered process. First the stories will be flowing from our mental body. Then, there will usually be an emotion that follows. If we take the time to listen to the dialogue and process the experience our emotions have enveloped, we will provide the support needed in order for us to digest and transform the energies of the expereince. Because most of us don't take the time to do this, these unprocessed expereinces becoem more and more lodged into our Being and act as fuel to other challenges we endur ein life. All we have to do is allow for the time to listen and reflect on the story we are telling ourself about the expereince to begin leanring of the deeper wound that is supporting the discomfort. This is what is referred to as shadow work.

There is no achieving Unity consciousness without doing shadow work. For us to be able to sustain our Being in the frequencies of 5D consciousness, our entire body (physical, mental, and emotional) needs to have been completely illuminated and integrated. This means no more light and dark. Unity is living in the grey. What do I mean by this? The mind will no longer operate from a perspective that identifies anything outside of us as separate than us because it will have come to the complete realization of our interconnectedness. This is not something we can acknowledge without diving deep into our own subconscious mind and exploring all the stories behind our beliefs that continue to support our behavior. So if entering into this much anticipated "place" of 5D is something you are looking forward to experiencing, it is time to put the time and the energy into clearing up the disharmony playing our inside first and foremost.

My own journey into this abyss has been one of incredible emotional release, profound realizations, and tremendous discovery of a treasure chest of talent and gifts. I have no doubt that yours will be too. The more time we allow for connection to the world within, the more opportunity we allow for discovery. This is nothing any one else can show us. We are the only ones with access to this realm through our unique perspective. The key is to release any need to judge and surrender expectations. Trust in the messages you are receiving and don't be afraid to travel deeper. It is through this fearlessness that we carve out more space for love and a greater capacity for compassion. Compassion is the ticket to the freedom 5D offers.

If you'd like to work one on one with me as a guide through the darkness, email me at to schedule a one on one with me and together we will create a healing routine to support your alignment for reaching a state of supreme health and absolute bliss.

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