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Power is ALL Feminine

This title will probably throw a lot of you off if you experienced a good ole fashioned American upbringing. Most likely your conditioning has you believing that strength has everything to do with muscle in some form or context and that muscle is anything but feminine. But the truth is, strength is a manifestation of potential, and as many of you know from my other sharings, potential is the untapped power that energy embodies. So in other words, to understand true power, we must allow for an understanding of energy first and foremost.

To understand energy, we must step outside of the ego's limitations around what it keeps us believing energy actually is. If we can only "see" energy as a particle, well, then it can be a bit challenging to understand how energy serves as the foundational support for all of life's expressions. It is only when we begin to dedicate the time to ponder energetic qualities and therefor behaviors that we can begin to build new ideas and understandings around how this expansion in perspective actually changes everything we've even known.

You see, our egos keep us confined to particular way of seeing all things in our reality. Should we experience an expansion, let's say through an insight, or an "aha!" moment, this is when we break free of the current limitations and begin to expand into a new territory. However, this will be the game for our entire human experience, but only if we continue to allow our egos to serve as our number one in charge. Breaking free from this deeply conditioned perspective involves cultivating trust on our more expansive intuitive perspective. When it comes to analyzing anything in our world we perceive as separate than our own Self, using tangible evidence solely as its evidence of life, we are operating through our masculine, egoic perspective. Yet, the moment we allow for our inner voice to offer another avenue of approach or a genius insight, this is when we have tapped into our intuitive feminine perspective.

Humans have allowed for the egoic perspective to dominant our approach to life, well, for far too long as far as I am concerned. Any and every way we have come to depend on anything outside of us to provide us with the answers we seek is done so by way of the ego. This is how our species has actually become THE most UNintelligent species on the planet. If you haven't yet noticed, we are THE only species that has yet to figure out how to exist in harmony with all other life on this planet and sustain ourselves in the process, as all other species have been doing since like, well forever. This is due to our blatant disregard for our most valuable source of guidance, our intuition, which happens to be feminine by Nature.

When we only look to the physical aspects, or the tangible aspects as the proof of life, we completely ignore the deeper potential, or the energies that are actually beneath, or within the life that is supporting it to have the experience. In other words, we give all the credit to the physical structure and none to the force that is at play behind the curtain. A really good example of this that I like to use is of our physical heart. Our heart is the most important muscle in our body in a sense, seeing as it is responsible for keeping our body alive. In an average day, it pumps about 2, 000 gallons of blood throughout our bodies. However, the heart as a muscle in its physicality is nothing more than a clump of cells that have grown together with a common goal in mind, which was to form a heart. Those cells are actually made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms...sounding familiar? Elementary science review here. You probably remember then that the atom is considered to be the smallest (measurable) unit of life, remember? Well, do you remember what atoms are made up of? Electrons, protons, and neutrons. Yep, you guessed it, energy.

You see, all of life's building blocks are absolutely useless without the core energy that is found at the very center of its being. This centralized structure known as the nucleus, provides the stability of the atom's structure, sustaining its vitality through vibration. It is the combination of this vibration and water that makes up 99% of the cell that is responsible for sustaining all of life as we know it. The heart muscle would be absolutely useless without the electrical frequency that is pulsating beneath and all throughout the tissues surface, initiating the movement of oxygen to infuse our tissues with its life force, which in return sustains the pumping action needed to push blood throughout the entire vascular system. This process is responsible for supporting the hundreds of trillions of cells in our body to carry out the purpose they were created to do. If our heart stops beating, the energy supply ceases to flow, and the body is dead within minutes. The heart muscle is absolutely useless without the electrical nature that is provided from within. So I ask you, where does the true power lie?

All of the physical manifestations that we identify as the parts of our body have come into being because of a series of reactions. Anything that comes to be as a result of action does so because of the masculine energy. It is the movement behind all creation. However, it doesn't just create out of thin air. It does so because there is another energy that is present, an energy that provides the substrate for all the works of art. The energy I speak of is the feminine. If you look at the image below, you will find all the qualities I could think to mention for each of the two polarities just to give you a better idea The balance of our Universe is reliant upon these two polarities, the negative and the positive, or the feminine and the masculine energies, to initiate the manifestation process. However, there is a third energy that is the result of these two polarized energies that provides for the creations sustenance. Ayurveda recognizes this third energy as gender neutral, if you will, and it is responsible as the bridge of communication between the two. It is in the transmission of clear communication between all parties involved so that manifestations can sustain their expression as life in the Universe.


Supporting the feminine starts with awareness of all Her qualities and the way She shows up in our world.
Awareness of all things Feminine

Fundamentally speaking, all energy is information, which we can also refer to as intelligence. All intelligence is constantly receiving other forms of intelligence that is vibrating at a similar frequency in an effort to form connections. Once connections are created, an exchange of information occurs. It is through this exchange, or this communication, that all of life can begin the initial process of coming into physical manifestation, or as our egos would like to hear, as proof of existence.

The masculine energy cannot create life without the feminine because the feminine is the root energy behind all of life. She is involved in all creation because of this. All that exist came to be because of Her presence, even the masculine. Masculine energy needs Her to create. I will explain this further in just a moment, but a bit of context, allow for the idea that divine energy in its most feminine expression is water, while in its most polarized, masculine expression is fire. Without a small amount of water to sustain the flame of the fire, it will eventually exhaust its abilities and burn out. The fire needs the water. All that exists in the in between of this "spectrum" is infinite possibilities of expression of the feminine. The more separated from the feminine, the more masculine of the expression. ALL of life is birthed from the feminine.

The muscles we have remained fixated on, the same ones masculine's believe signify their manliness, or their masculinity, are actually a result of their feminine Nature. The structure of our physical beings are a result of the synergistic harmony that unfolds due to the masculine energies working in full support and appreciation of its divine feminine qualities. The feminine energies root all of our Being (physical, mental, energetic, emotional, and spiritual) into the divine Source of the All that is. There is nothing that could become anything without the will (masculine) to become a "separate" form from the divine feminine Source. Look over the table of qualities and try to imagine the formation of blood, of tissue, of muscle, and of our bones from this awareness and prepare to witness an expansion in your beliefs. If you don't, then there is ego preventing this.

For us to support the feminine in the way she deserves our attention, we must start having more discussions around the feminine force as an energy. We have to stop seeing feminine as the ego perpetuates her to be, all things sexy and all things crazy. She truly is the force behind all that has come to be, but because we have allowed the masculine to lead us with its egoic perspective for as long as we have, we have been led to forget the richness and the beauty that remains beneath all of the division and separation. This is why I deeply believe that if we ever want to experience life on this planet without war and division, we must first learn how to reconnect with the beauty of our feminine within our very own Being. This way we are able to see the beauty that this realization of a deeper truth provides for our entire life experience. When we can begin to appreciate the feminine for its infinite beauty in the way that it has always been behind the scenes supporting its masculine, then we can feel what it means to be truly aligned and in our power. It is then, and only then, can we begin to support the world outside of us to do the same.

Want to honor the feminine? Stop seeking and just start Being. Stand in full support of the unique Beauty you came here to be. Appreciate your journey. Honor your connection to the Source that is behind you at all turns. Express gratitude daily for all that is through daily gratitude. Expand your awareness of the beauty and the bliss existing in the little things so that you can build its presence within you to attract more outside of you. It really is as simple as that. Honor the core of who you are. You don't have to explain it. Just believe in yourself enough to know that you are exactly what you need to be in every moment. How could you be anything else? This moment has never happened before.

Peace and Love Babies, Mama Dubbs

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