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The Inner Alchemy of Chanting Aum

Alchemy is the art of recognizing connection so that one can better support the whole. The healing journey is one of alchemy, however, many of us have yet to understand that this is what we are actually doing. When we engage in certain healing therapies to bring our body back into a state of balance, or to rid it of dis-ease, we are practicing the art of alchemy. Living a life of Ayurveda is very much the way of the alchemists. One who is aware of the interconnection that all of life shares has a profound ability to engage in alchemy in any given moment. These minds are our modern day magicians.

Our body's are intuitively alchemist. This is the process they support for healing to occur. Meditation is probably the most potent form of alchemy, which is why it is my most prescribed method for healing. When we sit in meditation, we are surrendering to the body's natural healing process to endure. However, when we bring in sound to the experience, we take the healing potential to a whole new level, or better yet, to the very core.

When chanting any mantra, you will most likely notice that they either begin or end with the sound "Aaaauuuuummmmm". This alone provides the mantra with a particular potency, like a key that unlocks the subconscious to a fat dose of medicine. But if we use sound in a more specific way through setting an intention, we will find that this key can also serve as a broom to clear away all the dust and stagnant air out of our system, and inspire harmonious flow once more. But how exactly does this happen?

Light travels as a result of the high frequency it's vibration embodies. This vibration is actually what is behind the creation of sound. As this hum continues to travel throughout the ethers, or the energetic realm, it will connect with other like frequencies to support the movement of its sound until it collects into more closely packed frequencies, or densely packed energy, to begin to form matter. We can sort of look at the sound "Aum" as the full spectrum of this process, with "aaahhh" as the part tapped into the light on one end and the "mmmm" as the part tapped into the material density on the other end. Hence its ability to bring forth creation as so believed.

Life is built through a system of energetic patterning, all backed by the one true Source. Internally, each cell is sequenced with divine coding, while externally, all expanded growth occurs through patterns informed by the frequency of desire. How connected this desire is to the divine, will be what ultimately determines its sustainability. When we begin to vibrate our Being at a particular frequency through chanting, the patterns that we are currently supporting become challenged to their very core. This is because the sound of "Aum" is one with the frequency of love and therefore stability, which allows it to travel to the very core of the cell. If we do this long enough, or consistently enough, any pattern that is not perpetuating from a place of unconditional love becomes more and more challenged until ultimately collapsing. Since the very core structure behind all of life is that of the divine, there will not be any "collapsing" that would confine us to any state less than that of unconditional love. The presence of this divine awareness will actually expand as a result, inspiring more of the divine coding to become activated and expressed. Because of this, sound holds tremendous potential for creating massive change.

When life is blasted by a frequency, it causes unstable energy to scatter, and as the vibration slows, a reorganization of sorts can occur. Using a sound such as "Aum" that works on multiple levels of frequency, we support a greater potential for this reorganization to occur. For instance, if we have a singing bowl that is tuned to a particular frequency, striking it will bring its healing force to all the areas in our body that are vibrating at its frequency and lower. This is because vibration travels from its highest expression to all that are lower. However, lower frequency vibrations cannot travel to higher frequencies. But when we incorporate many different sound bowls that are tuned to different frequencies, such as by attending a sound bath ceremony, there is much greater potential for different frequencies to do the work synergistically as a collective force, allowing for more ground to be covered, and therefore a broader delivery of healing benefits.

When we chant the sound "Aum" as "aaahhheeee(as in egg)iiiiiii(like long e)oooo(long o)uuuummm we awaken potential stored within every cell of our Being. Exaggerating the enunciation of each vowel of the sound unlocks this divine potential by awakening our cells to an experience very much like the one of a sound bath only from within. This practice helps our entire body to remember its own divine Nature. This in turn, supports the realignment of our cells with their core purpose, by encouraging them to release lower frequency energies. This practice has the ability to transform all memory of trauma whether in the form of damaged DNA, chemical/pollutant exposure, emotional experiences we have yet to fully process, and so much more to support. But like all spiritual practices, establishing a routine is key for the most profound results to endure.

Feeding the very roots of our Being is how we cultivate and sustain a lasting connection with our highest Self. After all, the core of every cell is divine by Nature, which means, the very core of our Being is divine by Nature. The more we believe in this truth, the closer we become to fully embodying this truth. You know when you have the experience of "I wish I could always feel this good!". This is a moment we are experiencing what it feels to be in full alignment with our truth and our purpose, or also known as, in alignment with our highest version of Self. Contrary to popular belief, we actually have the ability to live in this state of awareness throughout our entire human experience, its that we are not conditioned to actively support this awareness that we don't carry this belief in our conscious mind. But guess what? Now you have it! Chanting "Aum" is just one of the many ways we can cultivate a stronger connection to this part of our Being, or better said, to integrating and becoming the full embodiment of this expression.

Chanting and sound therapies help us to awaken to our inner world through the presence of vibration. Growing our awareness of the world within holds the potential for our entire life experience to transform for the better. We begin to see that there is far more to the life experience than we have been taught to believe, and even more so, we begin to see life through an expanded lens that recognizes interconnection, as opposed to our previous lens of separation and division. Using sound to awaken us to our inner worlds carves us a path for a deeper awareness to effortlessly flow in all its forms, eventually bringing us to arrive at divine Nature we hold within.

To start chanting, I recommend purchasing a strand of mala beads if you don't currently own any. These strands have 108 beads and are specifically crafted to help keep count for a full count of 108. Chanting "Aum" 108 times will take approximately 20 minutes. This can be your entire meditation, or you can chant before sitting in meditation. Feel the "mmmmm" vibrate under your nose after each repetition, pulling your tongue up into the roof of your mouth, and feeling the wave travel up into your brain to find its way to the pineal gland. This is the gland that the spiritual seeker longs to awaken. The hum at the end of the "Aum" is what will work to awaken it.

Getting to the root of our deep-seated imbalances is truly the only way to experience what it means to be fully healed. Very few people will actually get to know what this feels like in our lifetime. True health, from the perspective of Ayurveda, means that one experiences a state of 24 hour bliss, 7 days a week, fully balanced and self-realized. This is an enlightened state. As I said before, very few of us will ever know what this feels like in human form. However, this shouldn't stop us from trying to get as close as we possibly can to this state.

Adopting practices such as chanting and meditation to address the energies at the very core of our being will usher in the peace and the harmony our bodies have been craving since the moment we came into this world. When we feed our bodies with peace and harmony, we exude peace and harmony to our outer world. This is how we strengthen and build up the integrity of not only our core Being, but the entire human system that we play an integral part in.

I'd love to hear your comments. Please share. Or better yet, email me!

Peace and Love Babies!! Mama Dubbs

Ohm, or Aum, is the core sound for all alchemy
Alchemy of Aum


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