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Spiritual Cleansing 101

Spiritual cleansing is a necessary practice for any Being concerned with embodying the most benefic expression of their unique Nature. Yet, so few of us truly understand what this actually is, let alone why this is even true. Let me provide you with some reasons of why we all need to be integrating more spiritual cleansing into our daily lives as well as the benefits such awareness will bring to our experience.

Every dimension of our existence depends on our energetic body to support the communication needed for all its parts to thrive. The frequency that our cells vibrate, determine the quality of information, or the message, that will be exchanged. Our energetic body is the gridwork supporting this flow of information, or intelligence, from the realm of our divine creator all the way through to our physical, 3 dimensional, material body. While all of this is happening on a subconscious level, we hold tremendous potential to better support this process by simply deciding to become more conscious of the energies we entertain in our everyday realities. This forms the basis for all spiritual work.

Energy is everything and everything is information. When we allow for an expansion in our perspective to include this awareness, we can begin to better understand that our realities are simply a reflection of this truth. "To understand energy is to understand the Universe," as Nicola Tesla has said, and I don't know there is any one statement I could agree with more. When we can see all life as a source of information, or better yet, as an intelligence, we will begin to make the appropriate choices needed to support the kind of reality our Soul truly desires to have. This is where spiritual, or energetic cleansing become a tremendous tool for supporting our process of manifestation.

Our bodies are an energetic warehouse, full of energies vibrating at all different frequencies. Like frequencies gravitate towards one another due to the similar energy, or information they hold and can easily exchange. High frequency energy on the other hand, holds the greatest potential to create connection through its ability to reach the very core energetic coding inside lower vibrating energies. Through this connection, higher vibrational energy can activate all other energy so that all parties can sustain an experience on the same level of higher frequency.

Low frequency energy is what supports pathogenic invasion. A pathogen is any life force that holds the potential to inform the body of a separate path, or process, to "grow". Anything holds the potential to fit into this category, which is why our body's have been created to hold a certain level of immunity. However, over time, if we aren't making the effort to support our bodies immunity, our system becomes a bit, how do I say...stupid, in its ability to fend off pathogens as it once did. This is due to the energies in the body becoming more supportive of low frequency energies than the once higher frequencies we were born with. Knowing how to eliminate our body of low frequency energies and usher in higher frequencies is what spiritual cleansing is all about.

Energy will always move from a higher frequency to lower frequencies, however like frequencies are highly attractive to one another. So all of the lower frequency energies we have lodged in our bodies due to all kind of reasons, will continue to provide potential to other low frequency energies to join forces and attempt growth. So the best way we can support the cleansing of our physical being is to nourish our bodies with high frequency foods. These are foods that are eaten closest to their natural state. For example raw foods, unprocessed foods, and cold pressed oil (without damaging heat). But this does not mean everyone needs to eat these foods all the time, because balance is key for supporting an environment that allows us to thrive. This is why expanding our understanding of energy is truly the greatest awareness we can support for all aspects of the journey.

Spiritual cleansing practices are to help facilitate our ability to access and hold higher frequency energies. The time we dedicate for sleep is actually the time when our body is undergoing spiritual cleansing, however, many of us fall short when it comes to getting enough of it to fulfill this process. This is why meditation is so beneficial because of it's ability to alter our consciousness into a state that supports the same deep healing that sleep actually does. Other ways to spiritually cleanse that many of us are already doing without realizing the profound impact: spending time in Nature, spending time doing what we love, being creative, bonding with loved ones, dancing, singing, and just enjoying being in love. The key to receiving the most potent dose of medicine from these simple practices is allowing for deep recognition of the heart activation that it provides for us. When we allow for this awareness, we can consciously expand the presence of this energy throughout us and build the vibration within us. The more time we allow for this, the further the more strength and immunity we provide for our Being to stand up to the more dense, lower

frequency energies that challenge our every day existence as humans.

While cleansing is best done as an integral part to our every day, it's important to also take time to reflect on the growth and the expansion that we've experienced as a result of all our efforts on a regular basis. If we forget to take the time to acknowledge our achievements, then we will constantly be seeking more and more through our actions. Learning how to appreciate the journey is one of the most potent sources of medicine for the spiritual journey. There is great beauty in the art of Being.

Let me know what this brings up for you. Also, what other ways do you provide medicine to your Being on a regular basis? Until next time, Peace and Love Babies!!

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