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Shadow Work is Key for 5D UNITY Consciousness

Stop being so afraid of your shadow. Like all of life we share this planet with,  it deserves recognition and appreciation for its unique attribute.
Expanding our Perspective of Shadow Work for 5D Unity Consciousness

With so much attention going towards the magnificence of the light, there seems to be little room left for us to find comfort with the dark. Many of us have been deeply conditioned to believe that evil lurks in the darkness, leaving an imprint that keeps us afraid of taking the much needed journey within, into our own inner abyss. While yes, it is true we need the light to break up and transform the darkness, our shadow plays a crucial role for this transformative process. Learning how to appreciate our shadow through cultivating an understanding of its Nature provides us with the key to enter the much anticipated realm of 5D Unity consciousness.

To embrace the perspective of Unity consciousness, we must be willing to embrace the full spectrum of our existence. When we talk about Unity consciousness, my approach is always one that attempts to educate from a perspective that supports the belief that in order for us to exist in a world operating on the level of consciousness we desire, we must first achieve this level of consciousness within our own Self. There is simply no way to sustain our existence in a world that is operating from a higher, or greater perspective, than the one we are operating from.

I believe we must all time time to ponder the following before we begin working on our shadows, because in all honesty, how can you understand the shadow, if you don't understand the light or the darkness? Without darkness, there would be no need for light. Without the light, well, there would just be darkness. This means, without the darkness, NOthing would exist. Equally so, without the light to witness the darkness, there would be no knowledge of existence. So I ask of you, can we assign value to each of the two as if they are separate than one another, or can we agree that they simply cannot be one without the other? This, I believe, is the first hurdle we must overcome in realizing our potential to expanded into a state of Unity consciousness.

When we consider the process we are going through at this time in our human evolution, many of us are working towards embodying the light, being taught that this is the way to escape the ugly our world keeps showing us. But this is not something we can just do through action. If it were that easy, we would already be there. We've actually mastered the doing part, in case you haven't noticed. Our work lies in the being. It is the being part that secures our place in the New World, or the elevated plane of 5D Unity Consciousness. This being, is something only we can teach ourselves.

"Light beings", or ascended masters, or any Being we have come to know as existing in this higher level of expanded consciousness, have actually mastered the "being" process. This is how they have achieved access to their current level of existence, and how they are able to sustain their place effortlessly. We call them "masters" for a reason. They are masters because they have come to realize the importance and therefore the value of the inner journey in regards to the ascension process. Another way to look at this is that they have a profound reverence for both the light and the dark aspects within all of life. This reverence cultivates compassion. Compassion, well, it is the bridge to 5D

To appreciate anything, we must develop an understanding of its purpose, or better yet, assign it a value to the greater system. So with this being known, for us to appreciate the darkness, we have to understand its place in the greater scheme of things. Working with our shadow guides us to cultivate this understanding. With continued effort, we gain access to greater potential for understanding the most profound Nature within us all, our divinity. But this can't be done using our minds the way we've been conditioned to see the world. We must allow for a belief in something worth seeing, or finding, beneath the surface.

An analogy I like to use to try and help people to understand the beauty existing in the unseen is that of our human heart. We are taught that the heart is our most important organ in our body, as it is responsible for keeping all the other pieces operating and playing their role. But hardly ever will we look at what is beneath the surface keeping the heart strong to sustain its performance. As with any muscle, the strength is not in the actual tissue that provides the structure, it's in the energy responsible for transmitting the life sustaining information from cell to cell, within the tissue, providing the potential to support the necessary function. The heart would be absolutely lifeless without the electronic pulse that instigates the movement of its pumping action to sustain the flow of oxygenated blood throughout the body. So believe me when I say, this is just the tip of the iceberg when I say there is much beauty to be found beneath the surface of all of life as we have come to know it, and this beauty is found in the darkness.

When we ignore an aspect of our Self we do so because we believe it is not accepted by others. Continuing to support this believe sends a message to this part of us that it is simply not welcomed by us. This idea of anything not being welcomed does not even exist in the mind of one in Unity consciousness, so how would we ever gain full access to this place in 5D we long to be? This would be why many of us experience the feeling of being in 5D, but can't sustain our place. Because we still have parts of our Self we have yet to fully accept and welcome back into our Being, we cannot be fully welcomed into 5D. It is not a place that deception can exist, so let this be a bit of a wake up call to those of you set on being a part of project "New World".

To offer a bit of perspective, in the energetic realm, the darkness is actually the feminine aspect. All that we hold in our darkness is done so as some form of protection by our mothering Nature. Even though we have come to know the ego as the protector, as with all life, at the root of its unique expression is the divine mother. ALL that we are is but an expression of Her. For another to say that this way of our Being is anything less than perfect, well, is to say that our Creator is less than perfect. If our Creator is less than perfect, then how in the hell can we ever assume that perfection is even possible? If all this is true, then why oh, why would we even feel a need to hide a part of us in the shadow? The reason is because our environment never taught us how to use this aspect of our Self, therefore conditioned us to exist in a way that was more congruent with the "norm". This created a major energetic imbalance, causing us to feel insecure when our shadow would try to emerge, teaching us to lock it back up. Instead of being who we are and creating harmony from a place of truth, we humans have taken an alternate route that acts from a place of fear of being seen for who we truly are. This is the magnificent revolution that is at play at this time. It's truly beautiful!

Overtime, when we keep pushing something away, we don't allow for it to receive the energy it needs to flourish in the way the divine creator intended for its creation to flourish. This robs it of its ability to evolve into the beautiful quality it was created to be. Instead, overtime, the energies become dense, stagnant, and concentrated as the consciousness has been reduced it to exist as we decide to believe it to be. After all, it is our perception that is responsible for creating our realities, so if we perceive our shadow aspects to be less desirable, then it will continue to build in the energy of "less desirable". As a feminine force walking this planet, I have struggled with my own shadow energies for most of my journey. It wasn't until about 6 months ago when I was in deep reflection of my own inner darkness did I see three amazing Beings step out of the darkness for me to see that I was finally able to understand how innocent these aspects truly are. We are rejecting a part of us that others aren't able to recognize as valuable. Sadly, this happens because we are conditioned to believe others are responsible for assigning us our own value, which couldn't be further from the truth. This is one of the major ways humans have became more and more oppressed, women especially, or better yet, the creative types. It is up to us to find the value within our shadow. No one else can do this for us.

I believe for us to truly understand what it is going to take to sustain our existence in the 5D through our ascension process, we must learn to appreciate the full spectrum of the world of descension. I don't believe that we can even gain secure access to a land of Unity consciousness without first developing a profound understanding of the energies that are beneath all of what we have been conditioned to believe in our current paradigm. It is the ego that keeps us limited by our current perspective and it is our ego that continues to keep our rejected aspects prisoner. Once again we find ourselves back to the ego getting in the way...interesting:)

To exist in a state of Unity consciousness means we have cultivated an appreciation for all forms of life expressions within the spectrum of darkness, because it is the darkness that is beneath, supporting our ability to exist in the light. Keep expanding your awareness of darkness and you will keep expanding your ability to ascend into the light. Remember that darkness is the presence of all the colors collapsed within. Light is the absence of all color. Let this encourage you to take the journey inward to discover all the colors awaiting your recognition. Color represents all the different aspects of the darkness. When we realize this truth, it can be a bit more difficult to call out any one color as being less important the other, or more vindictive, or unwanted, wouldn't you say? This expansion in perspective will serve as an anchor point for our deeper exploration and greater mastery of our own inner darkness. Let me know what you discover while reflecting on these truths.

Peace and Love Babies!!

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