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One Awareness for Supporting Infinite Expansion

Have you ever stopped to think of just how you arrived at the point you are in life today? Would you believe me if I told you that our life experience is just an expression of internal belief system? What we believe determines how we perceive. The biggest problem with this is that most people have no idea just how powerful their beliefs actually are. This lack of awareness is what I believe to be the number one way we remain disempowered as a species.

Simply put, the way we see the world, or our perception, is based on the way we have been conditioned to see the world. The only way to unsee, if you will, is to purge our system of the conditioning. But how can you change what you have yet to know even exists? I'm going to give you an example of how this can play out. Let's say you're entire childhood your parents bought the same brand cereal for you because it was your favorite . Still to this day, you buy the same brand cereal without ever thinking about it because on some level, you believe that this product providing something for you in a way that is superior to all other brands. But come to find out one day that this brand of cereal is actually responsible for major deforestation of a particular area that not only forced an entire village of indigenous people to evacuate, but was also responsible for poisoning the water supply for thousands of others due to the use of a harmful chemical that was applied before harvest and entered the nearby water system. For most people, this would be reason enough to reassess our beliefs about the product we had been supporting. While this is obviously an example of a belief that has supported a huge impact on the planet, the power of our choices is something we can never really know until we take the time to ask the right questions.

I'd like to encourage a little bit of self reflection as an exercise to initiate a better understanding of some of the beliefs that we currently carry. Try to spend the day circling back to the "Why?" any and every time you can remember to do so. For example, ask yourself “Why am I doing this?” or "Why did I feel the need to say that?" or better yet, "Why did I think...?" Then keep asking the question why until you feel like you've reached the core belief that is behind the action.

When we start making the effort to understand what's going on behind the scenes in reference to our thoughts and our actions, we will naturally begin to grow more curious of what's happening on an even deeper level. When we take the time to check in with our Self to better understand our thoughts and our behavior, we are tending to a territory that no other person on this planet is seeing to. Seriously. This means, we have the opportunity to know anything and everything about something on this planet that no one else will ever get to know like we do. Every time we ask our self a question to better understand, we give this part of us a chance to be seen and heard. This much needed attention feeds us on a level that nothing else from our outer world can.

Here's the thing, from the moment we are born, we nurture an obsession with the world outside of us. We will watch our parents through their own struggles, develop our coping mechanisms by witnessing others around us, and grow up to perpetuate a story that is quite similar to our parents, whether we choose to be conscious of this or not. The way we are conditioned to remain continuously engaged with out outside world, keeps us looking to others for the guidance we feel that we need. We will look to our parents, our teachers, our internet, our government for all it is we have been conditioned to believe that we need to survive and to feel okay, not realizing how much energy we are actually feeding into the external. Most of us will never hear any encouragement that will guide us inwards to find what it is we seek, which unfortunately causes many of us to formulate a belief that there is very little value to be found within. Seriously, how can one believe in an intrinsic value when we are constantly being shown how to find value outside of us?

This way of seeking outwards is a way that is encouraged by the egoic mind. You see our ego is the reason why we are able to have this individualized human experience to begin with. It is the aspect of our mind that allows us to see all of the world outside of us as separate than our own Self. Our need to label, categorize, separate, and divide is what supports our ego to thrive. We can also refer to this as our masculine perspective, as the ego is very much a part of our left brained way of being. While the ego is but a very small part of our mind, our species has given so much attention to it that for many of us, it has assumed control over our thinking and well, most of our experience.

The way of living referred to as Ayurveda, guides us to engage with our greater mind, or our feminine, intuitive mind. This is the part of our mind that doesn't need to seek outside of us for answers because it knows that all we could ever need can be within. The ego was intended to be a tool for our intuition, as it is the driving force behind our desire to expand and create, to fulfill our Soul's purpose. In the beginning times of our species existence, we were very much in alignment with this way of living, however, slowly over time our masculine egos assumed control. The philosophies of Ayurveda help to guide us to bring these two aspects back into balance, so that we can remember how to use the ego as the tool it was created to be.

When we become obsessed with seeing all the ways our world is separate and different from us, we lose our ability to see the deeper connection that is woven in between that supports as whole. Even though the ego can see connection through superficiality, or by physical means, it lacks an ability to perceive the energetic presence, which involves a deeper perspective of our feelings and emotions. When we lose awareness of an importance of our feelings and emotions, we lose our ability to experience life as a whole being. Instead, life becomes dull, lacking meaning, due to our disconnect from the spiritual part of our Being. As we remain more and more aware of the surface level attributes of all things, we become more and more disconnected from a need to feel into a deeper knowing. This way of "being" is what life actually looks a lot like today.

Making the choice to begin looking within is the first step to breaking up this controlling conditioning, and the best way to start engaging with our feminine mind. By making this choice, we set our egos aside, and give attention to (or better yet, send energy to) our intuitive Self, or our inner feminine. This is the beauty of the wisdom of Ayurveda. Through growing our awareness of our inner world and the importance it plays on the outer world we are living, we can begin to expand our understanding of the interconnectedness between all of life through our own inner awareness. Ayurveda teaches us how to live through this awareness, guiding us to cultivate a life that supports harmony with all others, by achieving a state of harmony and balance within.

Reconnecting to the profound source of wisdom our feminine lens provides us with, guides us to realize a more profound connection awaiting within. So many of us have been foolishly guided by our egos to seek out our place in the world, only to find more and more ways that we don't belong. Exploring our feminine reminds of us of this place, providing it in every moment we choose to spend in the darkness of our inner world. As we gain comfort in this exploration and start viewing our thoughts and behaviors from an intuitive perspective, we begin to cultivate compassion. Compassion is what will serve us to support the truth of who we are in the world outside of us. When we support our Self in this way, we begin nurturing the wounds of our past from a place of unconditional love. We become the ear and the sounding board we had hoped to find in another. Becoming more present for our own Self, relieves the pressure and expectations we put on others to become this for us.

To adopt this new way of being, we must first acknowledge a desire for change in our life. The only way to break free from the old, is to break free from the ego, and the only way to break free from the ego, is to be willing to let go. We have to be willing to soften our perspective enough that new information can be integrated into our experience. With this new information, we nurture expansion. Awareness is the ticket for expansion. Choosing what we integrate into our awareness is one of our incredible human powers. Realizing that we have the choice to become aware of anything and everything in any given moment can be a bit overwhelming, but to realize the potential each of these new awareness bring to us as a creator of our own reality, well I'd say that is truly empowering.

When we nurture our own Self through the choice to be more conscious of our inner world, we support the necessary process of "be-ing". By allowing our Self to "be", we also become more support for others to be exactly who they are. This is just one of the many ways that healing our Self actually helps to heal the world. Compassion is what is missing most in our world. When we journey inwards, the result of this process is an expansion in compassion. The ego knows nothing about compassion, which is why our world seems a bit heartless at times. Decide to be more active in cultivating a connection to the world within and you will actively create a similar shift in the world outside almost instantaneously. This is the beauty of the feminine. As we continue to integrate Her back into our everyday awareness, we bring back the magic and the meaning that so many of us have longed to see.

Our ability to harness our power to create the life we long to live is all a matter of choice. The only thing that prevents us from seeing this is our ego. Can you guess why? Because the ego knows that if you came to realize the power within, then it wouldn't be in control anymore. So I ask you, do you want to keep experiencing life as you have always been or are you ready for a change? Choose to disengage from the ego and you will discover an incredible beauty unlike any other you will ever know. Believe in the beauty you hold within and life will naturally become more magical.

Peace and Love Babies, Mama Dubbs

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