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Freedom is Found in the Feminine

We are truly in such an exciting time of our human evolution, especially as one walking the journey as a feminine force. There's a lot of attention going towards the resurrection of our goddess energy, but not enough information conveying the attributes we are all long to offer greater support. I have outlined a few basic underlying principals to help you to begin expanding your awareness of the infinite Nature of the feminine. Because the truth of the matter is, the obvious nature of Her beauty doesn't even scratch the surface.

#1 The feminine is the core support to all life that exists on on our planet. There is no life that can come to be without the feminine. While humans and other mammals believe themselves to need a masculine counterpart to procreate, there are plenty of other species that have the ability to procreate on their own. This happens within the plant kingdom as well as the animal kingdom by a process scientist refer to as "parthenogenesis", or virgin birth. One example of such a gifted species is the boa constrictor. In 2010, there is document of an account in which a boa constrictor in captivity gave birth to 22 offspring, all of which were found to be a half clone of their mother.

#2 The feminine energy is recognized as the other half of the dynamic force behind all of creation according to ancient Chinese philosophy. The iconic yin yang symbol reflects this as the power of harmony between two polarities. But the truth of the matter is, there is not just one or the other, there is always a necessary space in between that keeps the two forces from collapsing in onto one another, which we can refer to as the grey. A life of duality acknowledges only the two, seeing all as either or, black or white, left or right, and wrong or right, but a life of unity witnesses life from beneath, and has the ability to understand a common Source in which both spring from. The dualistic perspective was birthed due to the ego, or our masculine mind, and keeps us absorbed in a mindset that is operated by our left brain. While the feminine mind, or greater, intuitive mind, lends us a perspective that has access to a much more profound awareness. one that is supported by a deeper knowing that all of life shares an interconnected Nature. Nature is our element of unification in our dualistic world.

#3 All expressions of life, or all tangible evidence we acknowledge as proof of life, have come to this planet via the mother, or a feminine Source of energy. Look at humanity for instance. Take your lineage and trace it back from the birth of you as far back as you can possibly manage, better yet, trace humanities birth back to its Source. Each and everyone came to be as a walking expression of life via the mother. There is no one out there reading this that did not enter into this world without a feminine portal. Here we have the perfect example of the proverbial chicken or the egg. But Ill have to save that rabbit hole for another day, and most likely, a podcast episode.

#4 Our inner world is rich with feminine energy, while our outer world is all about masculinity. Sometimes it can be easier to better understand a topic by exploring its opposite, or opposing force. I believe this especially true for understanding the feminine. You see, every time we seek outside of ourself for an answer, we do so because of our masculine ego. It sends us outwards, because this is its intrinsic Nature. The masculine is about growth, movement, acting, doing, and asserting it's will to make all of these things happen. Pretty much all that we do when the Sun is up can be attributed to our masculine energy. However, the feminine represents the down time, or all the ways we integrate the information from our day into our internal awareness and then store it as nourishment for us to expand upon on our personal wisdom in the days that follow. The time we attribute to introspection, personal reflection, sleep, and dreaming up inspirational endeavors for future creativity are all feminine "activities".

#5 The final point I am going to provide at this time is how Ayurveda perceives the feminine Nature in its teachings. The feminine is represented by the dosha, or energy, of Kapha. Kapha represents the Earth and Water elements. These two forces are responsible for creating and maintaining the structure and immunity of our bodies and of all life within the Universe. Just think about this for a moment. There is nothing on our planet that could maintain its livelihood without structure or immunity to fend off other biological agents. So not only is the feminine the whole reason any life is here on this planet, it also the whole reason why our experience is sustained and supported. There would be no life, no new life, and no continuation of life if we did not have the support of our feminine Nature to thrive as a living being.

These are just five, very basic truths to support the call of our times and will serve as great support for anyone and everyone who wants to learn how to bring more peace and harmony back into our personal realities. It is my hope that you will apply this knowledge to your own experience to begin witnessing all the ways that the masculine energies continue to exhaust our feminine reserves. This can especially be seen in the ailing health of our species as well as the perpetuating presence of war and abuse of power. Expanding our awareness of the feminine energy and the necessary beauty of Her presence is what I believe will save the planet in the end.

I believe I can speak for most everyone when I say that the health of our planet is extremely importance to us all, yet at times I know it can feel like there is very little power one person has in bringing the level of change we feel is needed to actually make a difference. But if we could all work towards balancing the energies within our own worlds by better supporting our feminine to thrive once more, Her presence will eventually build to a level of strength that will in turn provide better support to others to do the same. Our efforts to support ourself is a necessary part of this powerful equation. You see, neither one of us can rise into our power without the other to support the process. Remember, She is our structure and our immunity, which equates to our strength. This, my friends, is true freedom. Realizing the potential we all hold within us to bring change is just the beginning.  When we begin to believe in our ability to channel this power through supporting our inspirations to create, well, this is when we give birth to our freedom. Freedom is found in the feminine my friends. It truly can't get any better than this.

Freedom is Found in the Feminine

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