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My Unique Approach 

My Unique Approach

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As an intuitive psychic/clairvoyant healing guide,  I am able to see through the many layers of life's expression and read into a much deeper story at play underneath the surface.  My abilities allow me to see the energies supporting the material expression, or the manifestation, of the imbalanced state.  Since energy serves as the root to all of life's existence, this allows me to zero in at the very root disturbance of any, and sometimes all, health issue(s).  My training as an Ayurvedic Health Guide, a Medical Intuitive, a Qi Gong instructor, a clairvoyant Meditation guide, and as Reiki Healing facilitator for both humans and pets alike, collectively facilitate me to identify and gain an understanding of how to work with the energy that I find to be the culprit behind the chaos. Together we will work as a team to create a healing plan that will support the energies needed to bring the body back into balance.  When we can achieve balance, we can begin to feel into and eventually sustain our renewed state of harmony.  I am able to offer my services live online or at a distance, however, I am also open to travel to meet in person if and when this can be supported.  It can't hurt to ask!!   Please email me at

if you would like to discuss working with me. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck on your healing journey!

How I Cultivated My Perspective (a much longer story in the making)

     I am someone who has always entertained a need to understand "Why?".  When I began experiencing undesirable health issues in my early teens, I needed to know why.  But instead, I was often encouraged to just take the pill.  I was often made to feel that my intuitive sense was more of a hysteria or "all in my head", which left me feeling a bit hopeless in my quest to better understand my unique health experience.  My issues began to compound, leading me to experience extreme highs and lows of emotional instability.  Even though this was extremely frustrating to say the least, I believe it was  just what I needed to inspire me to seek out the answers I longed to know.  My favorite 3 letter word "Why?" would serve as fuel for an ongoing quest to learn all that I possibly could about a world that nobody else seemed to have time to begin to question.    


I began my initial research into natural healing approaches through the teachings of Chinese Medicine, or TCM theory.  I would study night after night to try to understand what was going on with myself and my loved ones.  Some one in my family was always suffering it seemed.  Chinese Medicine would help me to see that the kids were sick because I, their mother, was sick.  This notion actually resonated deeply the second I heard it, as I had often believed that my health issues were one in the same with my own mother's.  But even though this perspective resonated with me, I would get almost zero support from my family and friends, let alone the doctors, as I continued to incorporate the teachings into our way of life. 


           As I began building my confidence through crafting herbal formulas, I would start to realize that I had a tremendous ability to communicate with Nature.  I didn't just want to know what herb healed what, I wanted to know the reasons "Why?".   My desire to understand the healing mechanism of herbs became a gateway into the infinite realm of energy healing, as I began to develop a relationship with each and every herb that I would "choose" to work with.  The quotations are there since I'm still not sure who/what was actually in charge of doing the choosing.      


        I would later discover the benefits of acupuncture and explore the Chinese meridian system, which introduced me to the healing concepts of Qi Gong.  Soon after, I became certified as a Qi Gong practitioner.  This is how I was originally trained in the art of energy healing, to use the breath as inspiration for healing to endure.  Because of this practice, I began to become more mindful in all areas of my life and I quickly began to see dramatic changes.   I started to become obsessed with energy at this point and I sustained a daily meditation practice to support the growth of my clairvoyant abilities. I soon began to realize that my meditations were indeed journeys, although at the time I had no idea that I was actually journeying the Akasha!  Somehow though, I was making time to meditate two to three times a day with three little ones.  It was one of the most beautiful times of my life.  


           Ayurveda would become my next obsession.  One night I just happen to stumble across its name as I searched desperately for a remedy to help my youngest son with his congenital heart condition that we were told would need surgery to correct by his teenage years.  Reading about the three philosophies of this way of living brought me instant relief. There was a sense that I had found exactly what I needed in that moment, which turned out to be exactly what I needed in every moment.  I knew I had found the future of healthcare, even though Ayurveda is an ancient practice as old as mankind itself.


      Two years later I would receive my certification as an Ayurvedic practitioner and I began practicing the art of alchemy.  I would go on to become a certified Medical Intuitive as well as a Reiki II practitioner and continue my studies in Shamanic traditions, as well as human design and astrology in order to have as many tools as possible to facilitate me in my offerings as a healer.  I absolutely love any opportunity to facilitate the profound healing journey that we human's refer to as "life".  I believe we are all here to support each other in this process, and well, I am so grateful to be aware at the level that I am so that I can consciously play my part to the best of my abilities.        


             In my work, I use the 5 Kosha Theory of Ayurveda to guide me to create personalized healing plans for each and every one of my clients, simply because it addresses the entirety of our multidimensional existence.  By identifying energetic imbalances within the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our being, I can provide transformative solutions that help to resolve the energetic disturbance at the very core of its imbalanced state, so that the body's natural healing process can endure.  It is my goal to awaken you to all the knowledge you need in one single 1:1 session so that you can support your own Self to achieve balance within your energetic body so that true healing can sustain.  


         True health, in the eyes of Ayurveda, is living a life that consists of 24-hour bliss, all day, every day.  In every moment we have a choice to support more bliss in our lives and I aim to empower humanity to awaken to the truth that provides for our  potential to thrive as a species.  This is how we become empowered, by realizing the incredible potential we hold within us.  So, are you ready to experience true empowerment?  Are you ready to become a conscious creator of your own reality? This can all be yours in any moment you decide to believe that there is a potential within to be truly healthy and empowered.  When you are ready to believe, I am ready to facilitate the transformation:)     


To schedule a consultation, click here or to email me with questions,  ​​



Energy is Everything_ Energy 101.MP3Mama Dubbs
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