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Root into Your Core Being, Your Feminine Nature

Whole Body Healing through meditation

true health, from the perspective of ayurveda, is reflected as a state of 24 hour bliss.  while this may seem to be an unattainable state given the current reality many of us entertain, it is actually as simple as providing a shift in perspective. 

by directing our attention towards the energetics at play underneath and behind all of life's material expressions, we gain access to the relationship at play between that of our internal health and the quality of our external environment.  energy is at the root of all of life.  when we expand our awareness of this truth, we become more conscious of the effect our choices have on our experience.  

"To understand energy, is to understand the Universe" (Nickola Tesla).  Rooted teaches a grounded approach to achieving a blissful life, an awakened life, one that is rooted in spiritually and profoundly aware of the interconnection we all share with the divine feminine Nature.  Her beauty, Her love, Her truth, serves as the very core support to all life's existence.    

Awakening to this truth, awakens us to our own truth, our unique beauty, and our own divinity.  This is how we begin to experience a life of true health.  We are here to serve as your guide to realizing this incredible potential you hold within.


Work with ME

Learn how to tap into your innate healing abilities through meditation with the guidance of ayurvedic wisdom.  Achieve clear communication with your world within so that you can begin to experience more bliss in your overall health experience.  Activate psychic abilities and begin to live life as an empowered Being.  Read more about my unique approach to whole body healing here.

K.Dubbs aka Mama Dubbs Intuitive Healing Guide and Unity Consciousness Teacher
  • certified medical intuitive/clairvoyant healing guide

  • meditative journey/shadow work facilitator

  • certified ayurvedic practitioner

  • teacher of unity consciousness

  • ​certified reiki healing facilitator

Rooted       in ME

Root into YOU

What if I were to tell you that there is one singular awareness that can support you at the very root of your imbalance?  Would you take the time to explore it?

yin and yang to understand the feminine energy we neglect

How much support are you lending to our extremely overactive masculine society?  Every way that we show up in the world through acting, supports the growth of masculine energy.  This means talking, thinking, doing in any way, is feeding the presence of masculine energy in our world.  So in order for us to achieve balance on an energetic level, we must be lending equal attention towards all things feminine.  Read more about awareness of the feminine in my blog or listen to a recording from my podcast below.

Achieve Balance Through Awareness of the divine Feminine 

Freedom is Feminine.MP3Mama Dubbs
00:00 / 21:41

Truth's Beauty

There is a Beauty in You like no other

Gifted to you from our Great Mother

Journey inward when you are ready to discover

a most magnificent Beauty, like no other.

- Mama

support  ROOTED  with a donation

Our Mother Earth is Our Mother

Rooted is dedicated to providing all of humanity with the tools needed to live a more empowered life.  Through free workshops, live monthly seminars, and an ever expanding library of self help resources, your donations will help us to keep doing what we do so well so that all the rest of you can keep thriving as a result.  We are so grateful for all the ways you are here supporting our work and our efforts.  This is simply one way to help. Peace and love to you all! 

Mama Dubbs

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